Liebster Award; Please Queue For Autographs

The last award I received was for drama and dance during my grade 8 graduation. Needless to say, I was a bit taken aback when Kan from Kan Walk Will Travel ever so kindly nominated my blog for the Liebster Award, stating,

“Wine by the plastic glass anyone? This Girl’s keen observations and sense of humor add a delightful twist to the average day in Hong Kong.” 

I started this blog a little over two years ago, but only began blogging on a more consistent and semi-serious basis within the last five months, so it’s nice to see that fellow bloggers appreciate my ramblings and humour-filled sarcasm.

When looking into the origins of this award and what exactly it entails, I came across many variations of its history and rules. Essentially, the Liebster Award is passed on from blogger to fellow bloggers with less than 200 followers as a way to show appreciation for lesser-known blogs. The blogger who receives the award must answer the 10 questions asked of them (though I also read nominees are meant to post 10 things about themselves) and then nominate 3-10 other bloggers for this same award (numbers based on the average of nominees other bloggers had in their rules). I’ve never been a huge stickler for rules, so I say change ’em, ignore ’em, make ’em your own. ‘Cause really, this award is all about sending some love to other bloggers who have made our time on the Internet full of interesting things and seem more productive.


Here are Kan’s 10 questions and my answers (and her post on the Liebster Award):

1. What was your dream job as you were growing up?
Dream job from age 7-14: Veterinarian.
Reality hits at age 15: I am definitely not smart enough to be a veterinarian. Plus that one time I bought a male and female gerbil and thought I could be a breeder…  Let’s just say I’m still trying to forget about it.
Dream job from 16 onward: Teacher.
My story pretty much ends there – not only am I a teacher currently, but I moved half way around the world to teach in an incredible city that I love living in. Plus the students that attend the International School I teach at are some of the brightest, worldly, kind, goofy, and cheeky kids I’ve had the privilege of working with.

2. What is your dream job today?
See above :)

3. What is your fondest memory from childhood? 
Sitting down with my family for dinner every night. Something I thought every child did with their families until I grew up and realized how lucky I was. I miss having my mom ask me what I’d like to eat and calling (which would eventually turn into yelling after a few failed attempts) us to the kitchen when dinner was ready.

4. What is the one thing that you are seriously horrible at?
Keeping my mouth shut. I have a (fairly strong) opinion about almost everything. No holding back; I tell it like it is.

5. What place that you’ve visited, would you never go back to?
Kuala Lumpur. The city is filled with garbage, crammed streets, wandering eyes, and not much to do. To be honest, I just did not feel comfortable during my stay there. KL is a developing South East Asian city that is caught in the in-between of the past and present.

6. If you could live in one country for a year, which would it be?
If I had to choose somewhere else besides where I’m living now, I would probably live in Europe somewhere since I haven’t done much travelling there. Perhaps the south of France, Italy, or Spain. I also wouldn’t mind living on a tropical island where it’s summer all year round (just no squatting toilets, please!).

7. What is your favorite cuisine and dish?
Definitely a tough call seeing as how I have a not-so-secret love affair with food. Indian food would have to be up there – love me some Chana Masala with butter naan. Also, since moving to HK, I have become a huge fan of dim sum. But, I also crave carb-overloaded Italian food; gnocchi and calamari? Get in my belly. I love sushi too! Ah! There are too many foods I like to name only one. Fattie for life over here.

8. Bungee jumping? Why/ why not?
Absolutely! ..So long as there was a guarantee the parachute would open and I wouldn’t plummet to an early demise. Because everyone should live by the rules of Yes Man. Most of the time.

9. What would be the 10 songs on your travel playlist?
I really don’t listen to music much when I’m travelling. I much prefer a good book in hand. Some of my go-to artists are Mumford and Sons, Rilo Kiley, Sia, Alt-J, Bon Iver, Paolo Nutini, Lana Del Rey, Tegan and Sara, Regina Spektor, and Santogold.

10. Tell us something that no one knows about you.
I’ve been staring at this question for several minutes and am still drawing a blank. I’m quite the open book about most things. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Here are my nominees: 

1. Sally from A Breath Of Foreign Air
A funny and interesting take on life as an English teacher in Korea, as well as other travels – her next stop: Berlin, Germany. 

2. Linda from Linda Living In China
An American who lived in China for work and has embraced the culture – speaking Mandarin and all. If only I had the time and patience..

3. Stewart C McKay from What I Did In Hong Kong
Photos of everyday Hong Kong along with some amusing stories that many expats to Asia can relate to.

4. M & C from MC Overland
Informative posts about all things HK, from food to hiking. Also included: loads of other posts and pics from countries traveled to.

5. Julienne from HK Files
Where you’ll find fashion, food, and events throughout HK. And some great hiking tips. 

6. Mike & Hanna from Around The World In Eighty Liters
A couple with nothing constant but their backpacks. Great travel stories that make you want to get the next flight outta here.

7. Ruth from China Elevator Stories
Funny and eye-opening posts about living in the Mainland as an expat and the conversations she has with locals.

8. Emily from Bumblefritz
Her nomadic lifestyle, optimistic outlook, and writing charm makes for some entertaining posts on her travels abroad.


To the nominees: if you’ve accepted this Liebster Award  then here’s what you need to do:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and give a link to their blog. 

2. You must answer these ten questions:

1. What made you choose the life of an expat and/or traveler?
2. What country have you enjoyed playing tourist in the most?
3. What country would you never want to step foot in again?
4. If you could give one piece of advice to someone who was thinking about expatriating, what would it be?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
6. In your opinion, what country has the best food? Favourite dish?
7. Most embarrassing travel moment?
8. Why did you start blogging?
9. What do you most miss from “home”?
10. Post one of your favourite travel shots. (Not really a question, but I’m going to break the rules).

3. You must nominate any number of your favourite blogs with less than 200 followers and let them know. 

4. You must come up with ten questions for your nominees to answer or you’re welcome to use the above questions. 


Done & done.

17 thoughts on “Liebster Award; Please Queue For Autographs”

  1. hey there! thank you so much! i never heard about this! how/where do i answer the questions? and what kind of award is it? like from blogger to blogger?? Thank you so much for nominating!

    1. I hadn’t heard of this award either until I was nominated!
      It is an award that’s passed on from blogger to blogger just to show appreciation to the smaller blogs out there (with less than 200 followers).
      I just roughly followed the same format as the blog that nominated me. You answer the questions in a blog post about the “Liebster Award” (wherein you also nominate other blogs).
      Hopefully that makes sense!
      No problem!

        1. Of course : )
          I’ve read a variation on how many people to nominate. I think somewhere between 3 – 10 bloggers would be just fine. Just remember they need to have less than 200 followers, which you can verify when you look at their blog using “Reader” on WordPress.
          Looking forward to reading your answers!

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